INDA presents its 2023 collection of mirrors and lights ProudMag·9. June 2023INDA, an Industrial Group in the bathroom furniture segment with over 75 years of experience and a consolidated...
Naim Audio Reveals the Latest Addition to its New Classic Product Range ProudMag·19. May 2023Create the music system you’ve always dreamed of with the New Classic range from the UK’s leading Hi-Fi...
TAGA Harmony has unveiled the first models in the new Platinum v.4 series ProudMag·28. April 2023TAGA Harmony, a European manufacturer of award-winning speakers and audio electronics, has recently unveiled the first models in...
Linn presents its new flagship loudspeaker 360 ProudMag·25. April 2023Linn has officially launched their all-new flagship loudspeaker – 360 – featuring new cabinet, new drive units, new...
Focal presents the P60 Limited Edition for Porsche customers ProudMag·21. April 2023Leading French brand in acoustics Focal is unveiling a high-end kit for cars, which is compatible with Porsche®...
Erzetich delivers clarity and comfort with their new Charybdis headphones ProudMag·13. March 2023The new Charybdis headphones help music lovers and musicians to ride the waves of clarity and superior sound...
soulution introduces « Leedh Processing » to its D/A converters 760 and 560 ProudMag·7. March 2018soulution is the first high end electronics manufacturer world-wide who was allowed to license «Leedh Processing» for its...
The new speaker cables from audio electronics manufacturer TAGA Harmony ProudMag·18. October 2017TAGA Harmony, a European manufacturer of award-winning speakers and audio electronics, has recently announced introduction of new models...
McIntosh launches its biggest ever integrated amplifier ProudMag·18. October 2017McIntosh’s has launched its biggest ever integrated amplifier, the new MA9000. Offering a gigantic range of inputs, including...
Fono Acustica – If it sounds better, it is better ProudMag·29. July 2017Fono Acustica’s hand-built cables fly in the face of hi-fi fashion, putting musical performance ahead of all other...